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2024-04-12   宁波诺丁汉大学新闻网   阅读量:19

    4月12日,宁波诺丁汉大学新任校长谢心澄院士的就职典礼在学校思源报告厅隆重举行。宁波市委市政府、省教育厅领导,英国驻上海总领事馆、英国文化教育协会、中英商会的代表,中国科学院院士、北京大学原校长王恩哥, 中国科学院院士、北京大学讲席教授汤超,中国科学院院士、浙江大学物理学院院长林海青,中国科学院院士、宁波大学校长蔡荣根,中国科学院院士、宁波东方理工大学(暂名)校长陈十一,来自海内外40多所高校及科研机构的领导专家,捐赠人代表,优秀校友代表,以及新闻媒体记者等逾400人出席典礼,与宁波诺丁汉大学师生共同见证这一重要时刻,向宁波诺丁汉大学及谢心澄校长送上祝福。

    典礼在英国诺丁汉大学执行校长韦希如(Shearer West)热情洋溢的欢迎辞中拉开序幕。她向谢心澄校长的履新致以诚挚的祝贺。韦希如校长指出,校长是宁波诺丁汉大学教学、科研的灵感与卓越成就的源泉。谢校长的到来,将有力助推诺丁汉大学实现其愿景,即成为一所全球性大学,让世界变得更加美好。

    宁波诺丁汉大学执行校长乔纳森·加里波第(Jon Garibaldi)向在场嘉宾介绍了谢心澄院士卓越的学术背景与经验。接着,在宁诺理事会秘书长詹文(James Birkett)的协助下,谢心澄校长郑重地换上校长袍。

    打破教育边界 创造美好未来









    多方寄语 共贺宁诺新发展

    宁波市委副书记、市委教育工作领导小组组长钟关华,浙江教育厅党组成员、省教育考试院党委书记黄亮,英国驻上海总领事包迈岫(Matthew Burney)发表致辞,对谢心澄校长的履新及宁波诺丁汉大学建校20周年表示热烈祝贺。



    包迈岫总领事(Matthew Burney)盛赞宁波诺丁汉大学的创建,视之为一项兼具雄心与开拓性的创举,不仅架起了中外交往的桥梁,更作为深化国家间文化理解与对话的坚固纽带,持续发挥着无可替代的作用。






    谢心澄教授长期从事凝聚态物理理论研究,主要研究方向集中在量子霍尔效应、电荷及自旋输运、低维量子体系等。在上述领域,对新型量子现象的研究与理解作出了重要贡献。曾任两届PRL凝聚态物理副主编,现任《中国科学:物理学 力学 天文学》主编及多项国际重要学术期刊编委。


    UNNC holds the inauguration ceremony for President Xincheng Xie

    On 12 April, the University of Nottingham Ningbo China (UNNC) held the inauguration ceremony for Professor Xincheng Xie, the newly appointed President.

    It took place in the Siyuan Auditorium on campus. Leaders from the Ningbo Municipal Committee, Municipal Government, and the Provincial Department of Education, representatives from the British Consulate-General in Shanghai, the British Council, and the British Chamber of Commerce in China, Enge Wang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and former President of Peking University, Chao Tang, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Chair Professor at Peking University, Haiqing Lin, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Dean of the School of Physics at Zhejiang University, Ronggen Cai, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Ningbo University, and Shiyi Chen, Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and President of Eastern Institute of Technology, Ningbo, leaders and experts from over 40 domestic and international universities and research institutions, representatives of donors, outstanding alumni representatives, as well as journalists from news media outlets, totaling over 400 people, attended the ceremony.

    They joined UNNC staff and students in witnessing this significant moment and extending their blessings to both UNNC and President Xincheng Xie.

    The ceremony commenced with a warm welcome speech from Professor Shearer West, the President and Vice-Chancellor the University of Nottingham. She expressed sincere congratulations to President Xie on his appointment. Professor West emphasised that the President is a source of inspiration and excellence in teaching and research for the UNNC community. She said that President Xie's arrival will be a powerful advocate for Nottingham in our vision to be a globally engaged university committed to changing the world for the better.

    Professor Jon Garibaldi, Provost of UNNC, outlined Professor Xie’s outstanding academic background and experience to the distinguished guests. With assistance from James Birkett, Registrar of UNNC, President Xie assumed the presidential gown.

    Breaking the Boundaries of Education, Creating a Bright Future

    Following this, President Xie delivered his inaugural speech titled "Crossing boundaries, illuminating the future."

    President Xie first reviewed the glorious 20-year history and achievements of UNNC, expressing his respect to former President Fujia Yang. He expressed his great honour to assume the position of President of UNNC and acknowledged the responsibility and noble mission he shoulders.

    As a leader for international higher education innovation, UNNC insists on developing high-quality international education, fully leveraging the advantages of Sino-foreign cooperation and incorporating international and domestic educational and research resources to promote the development of teaching and learning as well as scientific research and cultivating world-class innovative talents with an international vision. President Xie stated that UNNC needs to continue promoting the spirit of genuine innovation and creativity with an open attitude and forward-thinking mindset. It is necessary to open up new chapters, expand and strengthen the global education network, continuously enhance the quality of international education, and maximise its impact in the world.

    President Xie emphasised in his speech that education is a power to break boundaries. "Education fundamentally changed my destiny, propelling me from China onto the global stage, exposing me to cutting-edge professional knowledge, honing my learning capabilities and scientific literacy, and gradually equipping me with the fortitude to lead scientific breakthroughs."

    He pointed out that education should inspire souls and empower development, cultivating students' innovative spirit, core literacy, character, and learning ability, igniting and nurturing the inner flame of students, and shaping their strong confidence in facing the future.

    "UNNC has set a remarkable example here, having built an open, inclusive, and exploratory educational environment, integrating diverse cultures and global educational resources, and forming a powerful system to stimulate interests and support individual development," President Xie said. He said that at UNNC, he felt a powerful force breaking through boundaries: education transcending borders, research and innovation recognising no boundaries, industrial collaboration knowing no borders, and the influence of the "flame" of seeking true knowledge extending boundlessly.

    All of this is in line with the blueprint depicted at the inception of UNNC: to become a university without borders, cultivating a global mind-set, fostering creativity, discovery and experiment, supporting potential, making a difference in our cities and regions, and changing the world for the better.

    Finally, President Xie outlined his preliminary ideas for his tenure: further strengthening the construction of a first-class faculty team based on the solid foundation of excellent education; promoting innovation in teaching models, curriculum design, talent cultivation, scientific research, and technology transfer at UNNC; deeply integrating high-quality education resources at home and abroad; enhancing interdisciplinary integration; and promoting coordinated development in various fields. He emphasised close cooperation with governments at all levels, various sectors of society, and global partners, outlining a blueprint for the integrated development of education, science and technology, and talents, and working together to create a better future.

    President Xie continued: UNNC should continue to further strengthen the professional development of academics, innovate in module design and teaching methods, and in research and transformation of technology; cultivate advanced talents, with an international perspective, who are capable of meeting future challenges. He emphasised the deep integration of high-quality domestic and foreign education resources and enhancement of cross-disciplinary activity where often the biggest breakthroughs are made. Close collaboration with partners will also be strengthened to create a better future together.

    Greetings from various parties

    The Deputy Secretary of the Ningbo Municipal Party Committee and Leader of the Municipal Party Committee’s Education Working Group, Guanhua Zhong, member of the Zhejiang Provincial Education Department's Party Leadership Group and Secretary of the Party Committee of the Provincial Education Examination Institute, Liang Huang, and His Majesty’s British Consul-General in Shanghai, Mr Matthew Burney CMG, delivered speeches to congratulate President Xie on his appointment and the 20th anniversary of UNNC.

    Secretary Liang Huang expressed in his speech that the university, rooted in Zhejiang and facing the world, actively leverages its advantages in international education. It has integrated high-quality domestic and international education and scientific and technological resources, achieving gratifying results in various areas such as talent cultivation, discipline construction, social services, and educational model exploration.

    He believed that in the vibrant and hopeful land of Zhejiang, under the leadership of President Xie, UNNC will surely live up to expectations. It will transform the early advantages of Sino-foreign cooperative education into leading advantages of international first-class university development, continuing its glorious journey and composing new chapters. "The Provincial Department of Education will continue to firmly support the construction and development of UNNC, striving to provide stronger guarantees and create a better environment for the university.” Secretary Liang Huang stated.

    Mr Matthew Burney CMG, His Majesty’s British Consul-General in Shanghai, highly praised the establishment of UNNC as a truly bold and trailblazing move that has inspired many more Sino-foreign partnerships.

    He stated that the UNNC campus, a unique and extraordinary UK-China partnership has stood the test of time and has deeply impressed him. He was equally impressed by the diversity and scale of what UNNC students and staff are doing here, fully showcasing the breadth and depth of UNNC as an international education platform.

    "Health and climate change are all shared global problems that can only be solved together. It is precisely the pioneering spirit of places like UNNC and the can-do attitude of its students that are so important to our future." He firmly believes that President Xie, with his profound knowledge and foresight, will take UNNC forward into its next chapter of what has already been a fascinating story.

    With the warm inauguration ceremony successfully concluded, a profound exploration of future education officially begins at UNNC.

    About Professor Xie

    Professor Xie Xincheng is a distinguished Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) and the World Academy of Sciences (TWAS), as well as a Fellow of the American Physical Society. He is Chair Professor at Peking University and the Director of the Institute for Nanoelectronic Devices and Quantum Computing at Fudan University.

    Professor Xie completed his undergraduate studies in physics at the University of Science and Technology of China in 1982 and went on to obtain his PhD from the University of Maryland in 1988. He was the Regents Professor of Oklahoma State University. Professor Xie directed the International Center for Quantum Structures at the CAS and led the Laboratory of Condensed Matter Theory and Computation at the Institute of Physics, CAS. He was the Founding Director of the International Center for Quantum Materials and served as the Dean of the School of Physics at Peking University. He assumed the role of Divisional Director of Mathematical and Physical Sciences, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC) in 2016, and Vice President of NSFC in 2018.

    Professor Xie's research in condensed matter physics has covered topics like the Quantum Hall effect, charge and spin transport, quantum systems, and strongly correlated electron systems. He has held editorial positions with "Physical Review Letters" and is currently the Editor-in-Chief of "SCIENCE CHINA Physics-Mechanics & Astronomy”, in addition to serving on the editorial boards of several significant international academic journals.

    图文来源 | Lucrecia Zhou,刘心予