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精选文章 | 周绪红院士:高层剪力墙结构多目标智能设计方法

2024-06-19   土木工程学报   阅读量:535


Intelligent multi-objective design method for high-rise shear wall structures

    周绪红1,2 胡佳豪1,2 王禄锋1,2 刘界鹏1,2 程国忠1,2 齐宏拓1,2 黄学思1,2 颜峰3

    1.重庆大学土木工程学院,重庆 400045

    2.重庆大学山地城镇建设与新技术教育部重点实验室,重庆 400045

    3.重庆重大建设工程质量检测有限公司,重庆 400045

    DOI: 10.15951/j.tmgcxb.22090962



    Intelligent design of high-rise shear wall structure includes intelligent modeling and intelligent optimization. At present, the intelligent modeling part lacks automatic beam layout and automatic load layout. The intelligent optimization part only considers material cost without construction convenience. Moreover, the current intelligent design methods are limited to high-rise shear wall structures with single standard floor. Therefore, this paper proposes a multi-objective intelligent design method for high-rise shear wall structures with several standard floors, including intelligent modeling and multi-objective optimization. The proposed intelligent modeling method for high-rise shear wall structures with several standard floors includes shear wall intelligent layout, automatic beam layout, slab layout and load layout. Aiming at material cost and construction convenience, a multi-objective optimization method for high-rise shear wall structure based on stepwise optimization strategy and niche genetic algorithm is proposed. The proposed intelligent design method proves to be stable and reliable through the design of a real-world shear wall structure, which can accommodate both material cost and construction convenience,and significantly shorten the design period.



    high-rise shear wall structure; intelligent design; intelligent modeling; multi-objective optimization

